hat tip to antonio regalado for the link
My undergraduate adviser John Bush is publishing some interesting ideas based on observations of bouncing droplets
also see the review article
which concludes with a doozy of a sentence: "Finally, as concerns my alignment vis-a-vis quantum interpretations, I remain steadfastly agnostic; however, if forced to choose, I would be inclined to back, by virtue of its inclusivity, the logical extension of the Many-Worlds interpretation (Everett 1957), the Many-Many-Worlds interpretation, according to which each quantum interpretation is realized in some edition of the multimultiverse, and there is even one world in which there is only one world, a world in which quantum statistics are underlaid by chaotic pilot-wave dynamics, there is no philosophical schism between large and small, and beables be."
it seems to fail for the best stuff, and does let lots of junk through the gates as well. one wonders why we (particularly the cell biology community) allow it to take up so much of our time. a better world must be possible